The Online Mastery Study Program at the Northwest Woodworking Studio

Discover your own talents for the design and construction of fine furniture. Learn to make something great. Join the Online Mastery Program and learn the traditions, skills, and techniques for designing special pieces of furniture. This practice will leave a good mark on you as you learn at the bench. This work will also inspire others for generations to come.

The Mastery Program has been a part of The Northwest Woodworking Studio for over 20 years. We now offer this two year part-time program as an Online course. Our next group starts late in 2021. Enrollment is limited to 15 plus two scholarship students.

For two decades the Mastery Program has trained woodworkers to design and build hand-made furniture of the highest quality. Now we will do this Online. We take on all students except raw beginners. Folks do not have to be at or near a mastery level to begin. But the more experience that you bring to the program, the more you will get from it. Self-directed and motivated students will thrive in this curriculum.

Applicants must be able to work to a schedule and on project deadlines while building out of their own shop. They must also have the ability and flexibility to receive their instruction and critiques online. Folks will need a camera in their shop at the bench and a DSL hookup or good Wi-Fi signal in order to participate. The weekly classes will offer real time lectures, videos of special topics as well as ample time for Q&A and one on one talks with the instructor and past Mastery students.

We will start this limited enrollment program again in the late fall of 2021. With three terms per year, students will design and build a total of 11 pieces over the course. The goal is to produce great pieces that could sit in any gallery or any room in your home. Projects have been chosen to teach certain methods, techniques, and approaches while at the same time allowing each student room to explore his or her own signature style.

Invest in your education. Invest in yourself.

For all prospective students who have read the prospectus and want to apply, please send a letter of application to  Please use the Application Fee link.


Testimony from a current student:

Gary had promised, ‘You’ll be a better wood worker’. True to his word, within three weeks of starting the Mastery program my hand tool skills had improved and my perspective on furniture design had broadened. Simple exercises, like chiseling an indent into the base of a straight table leg, illustrate how texture and creative elements can elevate and enhance your work. Focus on techniques and design have taken me past ‘straight lines’ to creating more balanced and flowing functional pieces. It has redefined what goes on in my shop. My designs are no longer limited by my skills. And, yep! I’m a better wood worker! Mike L.




Drawer rail construction
Drawer rail construction