On Creativity

Molly Major, metalsmith, and Gary discuss creativity.


You can handle a mistake in several different ways. Choose the one that yields the most for you.

On Beginning

Starting out can be a challenge. Keep an eye on the prize.

Starting Out

There is no shortcut to learning skills. It’s just like taking a hike. All the steps have to be made.

ReCo Bklyn Lumber

Roger Benton runs a wood resource center in Brooklyn, New York. His sawmill saws up tons of wood every year rescuing these trees from the landfill. He does this to save beautiful wood to produce incredible slabs, dimensional lumber, and to build his own line of furniture.

The Jointer Revealed

The jointer is as sensitive a piece of cast iron as exists in the shop. Learn how to tune and use yours to get the results you are after.

Get On With the Work

There are a lot of tools one needs at the bench. Being able to bounce back from a mistake or two is one of them.

Which Wood Why, Rewind

Picking out your lumber and milling it makes a difference in the look and longevity of your piece. Learn some of the qualities of wood to watch for.